Sand Dune Vegetation Committee Meeting

Calendar Date:
Wednesday, June 14, 2017 - 6:30pm

This is a friendly reminder that the Gearhart Sand Dune Vegetation Committee will meet next Wednesday (6/14) at 6:30PM at Gearhart City Hall. At this meeting we will begin drafting recommendations for City Council. At the last meeting we discussed priorities for the dunes, and will start with the list created in Question 3 at the last meeting. As a refresher, that section of the notes is posted below.

How should the City address noxious weeds on the dunes? Private property owners? And trees?

1.Restrict non-emergency vehicles to prevent spreading of noxious weeds.

2.Dispose of Scotch Broom seed pods appropriately. May, late Aug. and Sep. during a dry year

(seed pods are present, so can be tricky), could let plants sit during the winter (plant will re-sprout), 

3.Work outside of bird nesting season.

4.Define allowable methods for removal- including timeline. 

5.Promote healthy native population: abronia, red alder (Nitrogen fixer), pines, laurel (merica) (Nitrogen fixer, native, and grows low).

6.Clarify 50% ordinance. (from 1994): add timeline, determine what half means, change percentage?, 

7.Administrative procedure for granting permits. 

8.Clarify how trees on city property are topped and limbed.

9.Community outreach.


We will talk about each item on the list and determine what exactly we want to present to City Council. We can recommend changes to City Code, include notes about work windows, and make recommendations for administrative processes or city programs that could include community outreach.


Be sure to read through documents on the Dropbox. Some folks have requested some maps. I am working on that and will see what I can come up with by the next meeting.


Come to the meeting with any additional questions and ideas about recommendations.


See you next week!